Boston Avenue Methodist Church

Boston Avenue Methodist Church has a wonderful vision of becoming a caring Christian community that connects people with God’s unreserved love. They believe that everybody is an adored child of God with skills and gifts to share, which also means to you.

Boston Avenue Methodist Church, a clerical developing church found in downtown Tulsa on Boston Avenue, summons our congregation to think love generously and grow spiritually. This church will give you meaningful worship, plenty of missions, social justice facilities, and nurturing fellowship. 

So, if you want to become part of love in the action of Christ, you must go to the Boston Avenue Methodist Church, which is the right and suitable place for you.   

Boston Avenue Methodist Church Staff:

All Boston Avenue Methodist Church staff members are very devoted and fulfil their responsibilities with full dedication and commitment. The church’s work and prayers are successful because of the staff members who complete the duties with hard work. Below, we tell you about the staff members of Boston Avenue Methodist Church.

  1. Rev. Dr. Samule T. Powers (Senior Minister)
  2. Rev. Evamaire Campbell (Associate Minister and Director of Lifelong Faith Formation)
  3. Rev. Betsy Stewart. Dooley (Associate Pastor of Congregational Care and 13th Street Worship)
  4. Evan Anderson (Organist)
  5. Rev. Keith Bethhell (Director of Youth Ministries)
  6. Teresa Bond-Mason (Ambassador)
  7. Evelyn Caruso (Pastoral Care Assistant)
  8. Carol Mcdonald (Welcoming Director & Assistant to Senior Pastor)
  9. Caitlin Dryke (Communications Director)
  10. Cliff Duncan (Facilities Director)
  11. Jessica Edmundson (Assistant Director of Weekday School)
  12. Paula Gradney-Garner (Director of Weekday School & Younger Children)
  13. Brice Yee (Building Engineer)
  14. Ann White (Music &WOrship Assistant and Church Webmaster)
  15. Alexandria Rogers (Faith Formation Specialist)

If you want to become a part of the Boston Avenue UMC team, you can apply for online job postings at the Boston Avenue Methodist Church website.

Boston Avenue Methodist Church Reviews:

Boston Avenue Methodist Church has received positive reviews because of its team members and decor. A churchgoer, Dereck W., reported that the church is worth visiting for those who love art and decoration. The staff members were very welcoming and kind as they allowed people to roam in the church facility and enjoy its history.

This Methodist Church is a wonderful example of period and architecture. Dereck highly suggests that worshippers take a step back in history and stop by to marvel at it all with Boston Avenue Methodist Church. So, if you want to join peaceful worship prayers and love architecture, you must visit the  Boston Avenue Methodist Church.    

Boston Avenue Methodist Church Tulsa, Oklahoma:

Here, we provide the address and map of Boston Avenue Methodist Church so that people will not have any difficulty finding it. The address of Boston Avenue United Methodist Church is given below with the map. 

1301 S Boston Ave,


OK, 74119,


Boston Avenue Methodist Church Organ:

In 1929, the Kilgen Organ Company created the first organ at Boston Avenue Methodist Church, Tulsa art Deco, at a price of $40,000. The 48-rank instrument was operable from an electric action with a four-manual console. Albert Riemenschneider dedicated the organ on June 12 of the same year.

Boston Avenue bought a new pipe organ in 1961 from the M.P. Moller Company of Hagerstown, Maryland. This church promotes 72 pipe ranks playable with the help of four manual consoles. However, Boston Church approved a main organ expansion in 1986 with the help of the Moller Company. 

The electrical system of the organ was changed with the ICS-4000 Peterson in 2014, which fulfilled the sequencer, 256 memory levels, midi control, and many other functions. The church signed a contract with Tolland’s Folley-Baker Company to reconstruct the organ.   

Boston Avenue Methodist Church Tours:

The legendary building of Boston Avenue Methodist Church is considered one of the excellent examples of priestly Art Deco architecture in the United States. The church loves to share the symbolism and astonishing history of this holy and sacred place with visitors and others.

Boston Avenue United Methodist Church, Tulsa, Ok, gives guided tours of the building on the second floor in the church library every Sunday at 12:15 p.m. For groups, guided tours are also available, and you can organize them for yourself during the week by emailing [email protected]. Or by calling 918.583.5181. However, you can go to the church anytime for self-guided tours.

The work of Boston Avenue United Methodist Church was fulfilled in 1929, located in downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma. It has been assigned as a National Historic Landmark by the Interior Department. This church was also included in the list of Historic Places on the National Register and an international United Methodist Historic Site. The limestone building is like a sermon in stone that was built to glorify God and recognize its members as God’s People.      

Boston Avenue Methodist Church Disaffiliation:

According to the report, several disaffiliated churches are choosing to remain independent rather than attend new groups that have emerged from the departure. One apparent conflict or difference between non-denominational churches and similar exits from other major denominations is the settlement of non-denominational churches to remain independent of another denomination. It seems that about half of the unbroken churches instantly attend other denominations, but none are definitively known.

Boston Avenue Methodist Church Architecture:

Adah Robinson and Bruce Goff were the architects of Boston Avenue Methodist Church, Tulsa, which is present in downtown Oklahoma. The church was completely finished in 1929 the United States and is included in the best examples of Art Deco architecture.

It also has been added to historic places on the National Register. Robinson was teaching at Central High School as an art teacher in Tulsa while Robinson made the original designs for the Boston Avenue United Methodist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma.  

Boston Avenue Methodist Church Calendar:

To keep updated on the prayers, worship times, and events of Boston Avenue Methodist Church, you can check out the big calendar for everything. You can support groups for mission chances. Moreover, Boston Avenue Methodist Church in Tulsa also allows you to add your event.

To know more about our detailed church calendar for weekly or monthly activities and meetings or to organize an activity, please get in touch with Teresa Bond-Mason by calling 918.583.5181. You can see the big calendar on the official website of Boston Avenue Methodist Church to learn about the events.  

Why Is The Methodist Church Disaffiliating?

The majority of non-denominational churches lean toward conservatism and left in response when they see the failure of United Methodists to ordination of gay clergy and to implement same-sex marriage bans.

What Is The Largest Methodist Church?

The Kumnan Methodist Church is said to be the largest Methodist Church in the world, with 140,000 registered church members. The 19th World Methodist Conference was organized in the Kumnan Methodist Church. It is an affiliated church of the Korean Methodist Church in Seoul, South Korea, in Jungnang-gu, Mangu-dong.

Why Is Asbury Tulsa Leaving The Methodist Church?

The megachurch said that Asbury is an orthodox and conventional Wesleyan congregation committed to helping other followers of Jesus. They have started the procedure of disaffiliating from the denomination because of the United Methodist Church’s steady and slow departure from its mission of historic Christianity. Asbury United Methodist Church has now become Abury Church due to its separation from the UMC, which is the second-biggest Protestant domination in the United States.   

What Religion Goes To Methodist Church?

The Methodist Church adheres to the Protestant tradition of the Christian Church worldwide, and its central beliefs reflect traditional Christianity. The teaching of the Methodist Church is sometimes summarized in four specific doctrines, which are called the Four Alls. Methodist churches differ in the ways in which they worship during services.   

How Is Methodist Different From Christianity?

Methodists are a Christian denomination whose members are recognized as Protestants. Along with Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism, Methodists are one of the three primary Christian branches. Methodism has a core belief in Jesus Christ and the Bible as Savior and Lord. It would be good if the Christian denominations were the same, but they are definitely not.  

Can A Catholic Go To A Methodist Church?

Catholics can go with their Protestant friends to attend the services of the Methodist Church, regardless of denomination. However, a Catholic should not be able to receive communion in the Methodist Church because the church’s understanding of communion differs significantly from the Eucharist in the theology of Catholic sacramental. Moreover, for Catholics, joining a church service in a non-Catholic church does not fulfil their Sunday commitments. 

Can A Catholic Marry A Methodist?

Yes, a Catholic can marry a Methodist as long as the Catholic does it with the help of their parish priest from the start. However, Catholic and non-Catholic marriages are called mixed weddings. 

How Is Methodist Different Than Catholic?

Methodist believers believe in spiritual existence, while Catholic believers believe in the physical reality of Christ in the Eucharist. Moreover, Catholics worship lots of saints, while Methodists worship only the Trinity.   

Do Methodists Believe In The People?

Methodists believe in the real presence of God but do not stop the transfiguration in Holy Communion ( the grape juice really becomes Christ’s blood, and the bread really becomes Christ’s body).

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